My Best Of 2019
Life hack of the year
My morning routine that contains: a breathing session according to the Wim Hof method, then a set of exercises (100 pushups, abs, stretching...) and a cold shower.
It takes approximately 30 minutes and sets me up for the whole day. It had an incredible impact on my life. I skipped it only a few times and felt like a potato bag those days.
The habit of the year
I became more aware of the long-term impact of small but continuous efforts. They cost a few minutes of your life every day, but, if implemented every single day, change you over time.
In Q4 2019 I incorporated a new habit to learn one new word in Spanish every day, but religiously every single day. Result? If I have time, I do more on some days,
but if not - I still learn at least one word which sums up to at least 365 new words in one year - definitely much better then no new words at all.
Practically, due to this habit, I stay in the context and actually learn more.